Mario Alvera, Ambassador, Chiara Milani, chairman of the Italian Junior Chamber, and the architect Simone Seddi of Pi Projects preside at the conference presentation of the Fair building.
Wednesday, November 11th at 20:45, at the Sala Caproni MalpensaFiere will host the conference presentation of the tenth edition of the Fair building Ediltek (MalpensaFiere, November 13 to 15). The initiative will see the participation of the ambassador extraordinary and messenger of former Vice President of the United States of America and Al Gore Nobel Prize, Professor Mario Alvera, Italy Director of The Climate Project “, the worldwide organization aimed at informing all citizens of the world on issues related to climate change in their birth place and the commitment of Al Gore.
Present the architect Seddi Simon, creator of House 21, an initiative hosted by Ediltek to promote a concept of environmentally sustainable housing that guarantees high quality of life. Moderator will Chiara Milani, national president of JCI – Junior Chamber International (worldwide federation of young people aged between 18 and 40 years), who repeatedly visited the United Nations also to support the campaign “Seal The Deal”, sponsored by ‘ that the UN conference in Copenhagen next month, politicians will sign a global agreement on climate.
After surgery presentation of the architect Simone Seddi to expound the news of the next edition of Ediltek, with an eye for action “green” as House 21, ECO & Energy and Ecofire, Professor Mario Alvera intervene to discuss some major issues including: greenhouse gas, CO2 emissions, melting ice and fog in Lombardy. In the collective phenomena related to industrial pollution, but in fact identify the primary causative factor in the detailed management of energy resources related to housing. Additional insights will be offered from analysis of the Kyoto Treaty and negotiation of Copenhagen.
Quantified the damage to the environment and the prospects for the future, will discuss the solutions proposed by Al Gore in relation to the issues addressed. Even Chiara Milani, make some proposals as “green” developed by young people around the world, underlining the commitment of an organization like JCI that, already involved in supporting other initiatives for social relevance (as in Italy, the draft Ministerial Youth for Abruzzo “), does just the motto” get a global impact through local actions.
Ediltek, with its parallel events House 21, Eco & Energy and Ecofire, has always been involved in raising awareness of operators and end users towards the use of environmentally friendly technologies and materials. This is why the exhibition this year will be presented to the public and sponsored by prestigious organizations around the world as “The Climate Project” and JCI Philippines, as well as the Province of Varese, City of Busto Arsizio, Varese Chamber of Commerce, ” Seal The Deal “and of course MalpensaFiere.
Original in Italian